Our Committees

ICOPLAST Committees

Our Committees are instrumental in achieving the ICOPLAST mission

ICOPLAST Committee Member | Dr Horacio Mayer | Headshot image


Dr. Horacio Mayer

The Education Committee oversees teaching and training in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.  The Committee develops and coordinates clinical and other educational content through a comprehensive monthly Webinar program, symposia in conjunction with national and regional society meetings and through freestanding congresses.

ICOPLAST Membership Committee Chair | Dr. Michele Zocchi


Dr. Michele Zocchi

The Membership Committee works to develop and maintain relationships with current and prospective new ICOPLAST National Society members in a dynamic and proactive way to ensure maximum involvement in the confederation.

ICOPLAST Trainee Representative | Dr Shiv Chopra | Headshot image


Dr. Shiv Chopra

The Trainee Committee oversees the ICOPLAST Trainee Network.  The Committee manages the Fellowship Database, collates trainee research and publications, publicizes available trainee grants and awards and manages the resources for trainees.



The Committee on Patient Safety serves as a resource for National Plastic Surgery Societies, Health Ministries, Patients and the Public in relation to the safety and efficacy of new procedures and devices.

The Patient Safety Committee:

  • Develops guidelines and/or positions statements for dissemination to health ministries worldwide.
  • Communicates and coordinates breaking news of plastic surgery safety issues to facilitates a coordinates message for ICOPLAST National Societies.
  • Develops and maintains a roster of global Subject Matter Experts.
ICOPLAST Committee Member | Dr Scott Corlew | Headshot image


Dr. Scott Corlew

The Committee on Humanitarian Activities serves as an umbrella organization to set standards, and promote and support the efforts of plastic surgeons and related charitable care organizations providing volunteer services to areas of need, including disaster relief. Currently we have 27 members representing the 6 geographical areas represented by ICOPLAST. Available charitable/humanitarian resources in plastic surgery are placed on our web page to facilitate matching resources and need.

ICOPLAST Committee Member | Dr Hinne Rakhorst | Headshot image


Dr. Hinne Rakhorst

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to provide oversight of the financial reporting process, the audit process, the system of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations.

ICOPLAST President | Dr Ahmed Khashaba | Headshot image


Dr. Ahmed Khashaba

The Committee on Professional Standards will monitor the external environment as it relates to the practice of plastic surgery as a distinct and specific profession. It will communicate and clarify to the public and policymakers the education and training required of plastic surgeons. The committee will keep the public informed of newsworthy issues related to plastic surgery.

Advisory Council

The ICOPLAST Advisory Council provides expert advice to the ICOPLAST Board of Directors on matters within its expertise

Its primary focus is to offer recommendations and support on issues that the Board puts before it. The composition and terms of the Advisory Council is detailed in the ICOPLAST Advisory Council regulations which are drawn up by the Board.

Dr Ahmed Khashaba

Dr Robert X Murphy

Dr Julio Kirschbaum

Committees and Task Forces

The Board of directors may identify areas for the formation of one or more standing committees or special task forces needed to carry out the work of the organization